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About Solar Sidewalks ©

The purpose behind the Solar Sidewalk© is to replace the plain and ordinary concrete pavement block with and energy generating alternative.


This will allow City Councils, Schools, Spots Stadia, businesses and homes to offset their electricity costs and save money.


The Solar Sidewalk© will also create a city-wide infra-structure for the charging of electric vehicles at the curbside.

The History

The Solar Sidewalk© has been designed by John Halsted who comes from a long line of engineers. The idea came to him in a “lightbulb” moment as he was walking through London on a hot summer’s day.


Since then John has spent time developing and testing the product and developing a business plan and is currently fundraising.

Welcome to Solar Sidewalks©

The Solar Sidewalk© is almost identical to the pavements you see in any large city which allow light into basement areas.


Almost the entire pavement, surface and frame, is manufactured in the UK and has been tested to British Standards (BS) and European Union Standards (ES) for structural integrity and anti-slip capabilities.


John exhibited the Solar Sidewalk  at Venturefest South-19 in Southampton on 29 March to much acclaim.


The Solar Sidewalk was one of 6 finalists in the “Innovation of the Year” competition

and has interest from 2 city councils in Southern England plus the MOD.



This is the 2nd time the Solar Sidewalk has made the finals of an innovation competition!



Should your council, school or business install Solar Sidewalks to help our environment and generate clean energy?

Take the 5 question YES/NO survey by  clicking the link below and we’ll feed the results back to your council.

Renewable Energy in Urban Environments Survey



Courtesy: New Age Glass Ltd.©

The precast panels for the Solar Sidewalk© are made by New Age Glass Ltd. of Chichester, which was established in 1998. New Age Glass Ltd specialise in the manufacture, supply & installation of precast & insitu pavement lights, roof & floor lights, smoke outlet panels & glass block walling systems.

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