We will make SOLAR SIDEWALKS even safer by adding under tile heating (just like on the rear window of your car) so that during winter snow and ice will not settle.
Solar Sidewalks will mean no more back-breaking snow shovelling and a safer surface to walk on during winter. It would also reduce council costs as they wouldn’t have to spread salt.
As such this will be an option for customers to have built into their pavers.
R&D companies have developed and are improving TSC technology, which could be built into glass surfaces without blocking the light.
TSC is a system that absorbs light in the infra-red and
ultra-violet wavelengths invisible to the human eye, and
then transmits it in the infrared. After this, the light is
directed to the photovoltaic cells, which generate
The use of TSC's means both visible light and invisible
light will be used to create considerably higher electrical output. Since we are not able to perceive the ultraviolet and infrared wavelengths, the material remains transparent, and looks, to the human eye, like ordinary glass.
As soon as this technology becomes available, we will most certainly look at how we can incorporate them into the Solar Sidewalk product.
The supplier we have been working with, specialises in
manufacturing and installing under tile lighting.
As such a future development will be an option for
customers to have under tile lighting built into their
Pavers reducing the need for overhead lighting - not to
mention the cost saving as well!
LED colour can be ordered to requirements
There are more than 4,500 large towns and cities in the world each with more than 20 blocks of pavement space. This equates to about 20, 000 square metres of pavements.
If each of them converted their pavements to Solar Sidewalks, there would be no need for new nuclear power stations.
Solar Sidewalks in towns and cities would also mean big solar farms would not be required saving valuable farmland for more important “people”.
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Renewable Energy in Urban Environments Survey